Plants Aren’t Just Pretty: Discover Their Game-Changing Impact in the Workplace

Adze Team

1 May, 2022

Plants, often seen as mere aesthetic additions to office spaces, hold the power to transform your workplace in ways you might not have imagined

The Triple Impact of Plants in Workspaces
  1. Soundscaping: Did you know that the mere presence of plants can dial down the noise? Plants have a natural ability to absorb and muffle sounds, leading to quieter workspaces. This isn’t just theoretical; studies confirm that employees in plant-rich environments often have a better perception of their work environment. The result? A more focused and serene working atmosphere that boosts concentration and reduces stress.
  2. Guardians of Air Quality: The air indoors is not as fresh as you might think, often carrying invisible pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Plants are nature’s air purifiers. Their presence actively improves air quality, cutting down common indoor air pollutants. This leads to a tangible reduction in symptoms often associated with sick building syndrome, such as recurring headaches or itchy eyes, as well as an improvement in the cognitive function scores of the employees.
  3. Nature’s Refresh Button: In the digital age, screen fatigue is real. Amid tight schedules and challenging tasks, the human mind craves brief, restorative breaks. Studies show that plants provide micro-restorative moments that can help reduce fatigue during the workday.
Adding Green to Your Workplace

Here are 3 considerations when using plants in workplaces

  1. Ease of Integration: Incorporating plants into the workplace does not have to be a difficult or expensive task. Plants can be as simple as small potted plants or as grand as living walls.
  2. Strategic Positioning: It is essential to consider the placement of plants. The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) recommends that at least 75% of workspaces have a direct line of sight within around 10 meters of indoor plants or nature views.
  3. Choose Wisely: If noise reduction is a priority, opt for denser plants with broad leaves. Their expansive surface area is more adept at absorbing sounds.

In essence, incorporating plants in the workplace can be a cost-effective intervention to enhance employee experience and improve well-being. However, it is crucial to be mindful of placement, type of plants, and the number of plants needed to achieve the desired results.