Leverage the Power of Experiential Graphic Design to enhance your Work Environment

Adze Team

1 May, 2023

Are you HR manager, facing any of the following issues with employees at your organization?

  • They still prefer to work remotely, although the office is open.
  • They are not engaged with the workplace that your organization invested a lot in.
  • The employee satisfaction surveys show they do not feel stimulated or lack a sense of belonging to the workplace.

If this is the case, we are sorry to hear that, and we can not begin to imagine how such issues could have severe implications for attracting and retaining talent at your organization.

We often hear many of these pain points from our clients. To address these issues and enhance the work environment, we propose a quick design intervention that could also benefit your case – Experiential Graphic Design.

What is experiential graphic design? 

Experiential Graphic Design (XGD) [or what was formally known as Environmental Graphic Design] is mainly concerned with the visual aspects of communicating information and creating experiences that connect people to the place.  The Society of Environmental Graphic Design ( SEGD) notes that

Experiential Graphic Design (XGD) involves the orchestration of typography, color, imagery, form, technology and, especially, content to create environments that communicate.

How does XGD differ from other forms of graphic design? 
  • Its primary goal is to convey meaningful information using words, symbols, images, and diagrams.
  • It takes into account the user experience and how the design elements fit into the larger context of the space and its intended messages.
  • It incorporates various design disciplines, including graphic, architectural, interior, landscape, and industrial design.
How may XGD help your business? 

Using graphics and signage in a way that is aligned with the company’s culture, values and mission can help you in multiple ways, such as to:

  • Connect with your employee: Many workers may have the chance now to work from almost anywhere. Thus, it is becoming increasingly essential to create a distinctive sense of place for employees and foster a sense of belonging among teams. 
  • Increase business success: Studies show that when the values of companies are clearly manifested in the workplace, employees are more likely to display higher levels of job satisfaction and increase retention rates.
How to incorporate XGD as part of workplace design? 

XGD is just about adding motivational quotes, inspirational posters, or writing down the company’s vision and mission on the walls of the workplace.

XGD is about grasping the essence of your organization and projecting them into three-dimensional touch points.

One example of XGD in action is the Incorta workplace project.

Incorta is a leading software company in the field of data analytics platform. The company has been rapidly expanding and recently underwent a rebranding process. Its workplace in Cairo is a spacious office that spans over three floors with a double height atrium and a garden. However, one of the main challenges that faced the organization was that the employees did not find the office a conducive environment to work. 

Accordingly, we collaborated with Incorta team to enhance the work environment. The existing workplace was designed and fully furnished based on pure functional aspects. A single type of desk setting was spread over a typical open plan layout with a number of private offices for the management and meeting rooms of various sizes. Furthermore, all the spaces had a generic look that neither reflected the corporate identity nor matched their new brand.

The goal was to create a work environment that: a) struck a balance between the functional needs and psychological well-being of its employees and;b) is aligned with the new brand of Incorta and its ability to turn complex data into clear insights, creating a whole new world.

As part of our work scope, we generated a distinctive narrative for the meeting rooms by:

  • Developing a visual language based on simple blocks that aggregate into more complex, eye-engaging elements. 
  • Designing graphics that reinforce the values of 3D thinking and visualizations using isometric grids. 
  • Painting the murals by hand to maintain the human touch in the new world emerging from complex data analysis.

Overall, experiential graphic design is a powerful tool for creating a unique and memorable experience, improving functionality and efficiency, and fostering a sense of place identity and belonging.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity – bring in a workplace designer with expertise in experiential graphic design to elevate your workplace and drive success.